Sk Dr.Lee

Sk Dr.Lee

How to whitening teeth quickly?

Christine, a beautiful and successful young mother, is very conscious of her appearance. Despite her love for coffee, she has tried various at-home teeth whitening methods such as whitening strips, powders, and toothpaste, with little success. Seeking a solution, she…

What is All-On-Four?

Sue is 81 years old this year. When she first came to me, she had no teeth left in her mouth. Upon examining her oral condition, I found that her alveolar ridge was narrow, thin, and flat, making it unsuitable…

Open and Med with Microscope

When Lu called us, she described her painful experience with a sense of urgency. She had been experiencing severe tooth pain for three consecutive days, making it impossible for her to eat on the affected side. While the pain would…


J came in for immediate front teeth restoration for family event. We made this flipper for his family event in ONE day. This is not a permanent solution but it will support his smile till we are making permanent implant…

Why Deep Cleaning?

SRP or Deep Gum Cleaning. Susie came to me “Doctor, my back teeth got loose after I ate ice cream this week.” I examined her teeth and found she already had a couple of loose molars and never had a…

Implant with Sinus Bone Graft

Sinus… Sinus is the air-filled sac area next to your nose also just below your brain. It warms up air you inhale and passes it through lungs. When you lose your maxillary or upper molars for months your sinus begins…

How we finish orthodontic treatment

Final tune of orthodontic treatment. These lower teeth may look okay for some people. Sometimes I don’t notice minor discrepancies till I zoomed teeth on screen. Sometimes we cannot get perfect straight teeth with braces only. It is because braces…

Front teeth still protruding after braces

Rachel had braces previously. Her complaint was that her upper front teeth are still protruding and look like rabbit teeth. Rachel had 4 premolars which typically are extracted to provide space to bring front teeth in. But she does not…